Circulation Policies
Borrowing Books and Media Items
Borrowers must be in good standing (have no overdue items or fines on their library account) to check out materials from the library. Items may be renewed if they are needed for a longer period. Any item may be renewed continuously if it is not on hold for another patron
Loan Periods
Books and Audiobooks: 14 days
Reference Books: 5 days
DVDs: 7 days
Borrowing Equipment
The library circulates cameras and accessories for filming, portable green screens, tripods, microphones, headphones, headsets, wireless speakers, and mp3 players. Failure to return or renew equipment on time will result in the loss of equipment borrowing privileges for the duration of the school year. Loan Period for Equipment: 5 days
Damaged Materials
Students will be charged the full amount of the purchase price for any material damaged beyond repair.
Lost Materials
Students will be charged the full amount of the purchase price for any material lost from the library’s collection.
Overdue Items
Students must return overdue items before checking out new items. Overdue notices are sent out every week to students through their email. Items overdue for more than one month are considered lost and students are charged the full amount of the purchase price.
Senior Obligations to the Library
Seniors are expected to return all library materials and pay all library fines before graduation.
Payment for lost or damaged items is expected be paid before the end of the school year. Checks should be made payable to "MUHS Library." A student may replace the item if it is in the same or comparable format. There are no refunds for lost items if they are found after they have been paid for and replaced.