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Turnitin Draft Coach Google Add-on

Turnitin Draft Coach is a Google Doc Add-on that allows you to use Turnitin’s similarity tools in your Google Docs to help you check your paper for plagiarism before you submit the final draft of your assignment to your teacher.

The Citations Check also helps you identify when your citations are missing references or when your references are missing citations. This check focuses on identifying matching pairs of citations and references that you include in your text.

See the short tutorials to get started using Draft Coach:

How to Use Draft Coach

Understanding Draft Coach 

Turnitin For Students

How to access Turnitin as a student:  Access Turnitin by submitting a paper from within your Managebac assignment. This will allow you to view your Similarity Report if your teacher has enabled these settings

Ask your teacher if you are allowed to submit a draft and receive a Similarity Report that shows matches of text that may be plagiarism, your teacher needs to allow resubmissions in the settings. Be sure to clarify with your teacher if you are allowed to resubmit your paper and if you are allowed to view your similarity report before you submit the final draft.  

If your teacher allows you to submit a draft of your paper before you submit your final and view the similarity report then you may check your writing for plagiarism by going over the Similarity Report. It is important to note that a high Similarity Score does NOT necessarily mean your writing is plagiarized. The program checks for writing that matches other simliar writing and that gets flagged for review. Please see this important article Interpreting the Simliarty Score

Other helpful Links for using and understanding Turnitin

Feedback Studio
Student Help page for Feedback Studio

How to Check your own work for Plagiarism
Top 15 Misconceptions about Turnitin