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Students: Login as you do for other school logins:
USERNAME = Firstinitial_lastname_gradyear (Ex: Sam Student who graduates in 2025 = sstudent25)
PASSWORD: Your acsdvt.org login should work.
Parents/Guardians: Visit the PowerSchool Parent Single Sign -On Tutorial and Add a Student to the Parent Portal.
If you receive a pop-up message, please refer to Recommended Browser Settings.
If you are still having issues please contact Stephanie Buzzell at 382-1189.
Checking Your Current Grades in PowerSchool
On the Grades and Attendance page, you can find details about your classes, like the teacher's name and how to contact them. If the teachers have put in assessment scores, you will see your current grades in the S1, S2, or Y1 columns. If there are no scores yet, you'll see a letter 'i'. These grades show how you are doing in school right now. The letter grades are made using scores for 4 different criteria, and you can check those on another page.
Click on any letter grade or the [i] in the S1, S2, or Y1 column. This will take you to a page where you can see all the details about your class scores. You can also click on links to see the criteria rubrics for how this class is graded. Assignments are listed on this page, and there might be symbols next to them. You can find out what these symbols mean at the bottom of the page. For example, if you see a green check mark, it means you turned in your assignment.
If you click on the blue bar graph next to any assignment, you can see how you did on each criterion scored as part of that assignment. Click on the word 'view' to learn more about that assignment.
Now, click on the tab called 'Standards,' which is next to the 'Grades and Attendance' tab at the top of the page. Here, you can see how you're doing on each criterion overall, and there's also a score for how you're doing with your work habits, which are scored using the MUHS Work Habits Rubric, which you can see below.
When you add up the scores from the four criteria, it gives you a total score called a Criterion Level Total (CLT). You can see how these CLTs are turned into grades in the conversion chart below.
Each class in PowerSchool includes live links to the four criteria rubrics so you can see how you are being graded.
Contact Stephanie Buzzell, Data Systems Specialist, if you still need PowerSchool access. It’s never too late to activate/reset your account, retrieve a lost password, or ask questions: 802-382-1189 or sbuzzell@acsdvt.org.
Understanding Criterion Levels Total (CLT) & Grade Conversions
Reading Your Report Card
We mail report cards home at the end of each quarter. For each class, you will see a letter grade (A, B, C, or NY), a Work Habits indicator (U, N, S, or E), four criterion scores (0-8), and a comment. You can see how criteria scores become letter grades in the CLT conversion chart above. Please note: Our reporting system is set up to estimate accurate letter grades even if a teacher has not assessed one or more of the criteria by the end of the quarter.