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School Counseling

Sam Lewis
School Counselor for Students w/Last Name A - Goetz

Emily Schademan
School Counselor for Students w/Last Name Gomes - Sal

Adrien Preston
School Counselor for Students w/Last Name Sansone - Z

Sarah Kemp 
Administrative Assistant

Sarah Soule
Post-Secondary Planning Coordinator

MUHS School Counseling Department:
Phone:  802-382-1195
Fax: 802-382-1730
CEEB Code: 460240
Office Hours: 8:00am-3:30pm or by appointment
School Counseling Facebook Page

The Middlebury Union High School, School Counseling Department, is dedicated to fostering student success by providing social, emotional, academic and future planning support to all students. All Middlebury Union High School Counselors hold at least a Master's Degree in Counseling and are licensed by the State of Vermont as professional school counselors. They are professional educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to the challenges of a diverse student population.  School counselors deliver the comprehensive school counseling program through:

  • individual counseling
  • small group counseling
  • consultation/referral
  • academic advising 
  • future planning

The American School Counselor Association National Standards in the areas of academic, career and personal/social domains are the foundation for this work. School counselors provide this range of services throughout the school year based on the needs of each individual student.


College Information Night Slideshow Presentation 


MUHS 2025-2026 Course Catalog


2024-2025 Hannaford Career Center application 

2025-2026 Hannaford Career Center online application

2025 8th Grade Parent Information Night Presentation 

Enrollment Forms
Release of Records Request

College Visits Calendar

Scholarship Information Session Handout 

All school counselors follow the American School Counselor Association Code of Ethics.  Students are guaranteed confidentiality when speaking with a counselor unless the student presents danger to self or to others. Vermont law requires counselors to report any suspected abuse or neglect to the Department of Children and Families.  The School Counseling department works as a team and, at times, counselors may consult with one another regarding student issues and services.

Counseling Resources

Post-Secondary Planning

The school counselors and coordinator of post-secondary planning are available to meet with each student at MUHS as they contemplate life after high school. Working together,  we will help students identify what their upcoming path might include, be it:

  • College or University study

  • Seeking Employment

  • Entering the military

  • Participating in a gap year program

Post-Secondary Planning Information

Post-Secondary Planning Resources

Other Resources