School Counseling
Sam Lewis
School Counselor for Students w/Last Name A - Goetz
Emily Schademan
School Counselor for Students w/Last Name Gomes - Sal
Adrien Preston
School Counselor for Students w/Last Name Sansone - Z
Sarah Kemp
Administrative Assistant
Sarah Soule
Post-Secondary Planning Coordinator
MUHS School Counseling Department:
Phone: 802-382-1195
Fax: 802-382-1730
CEEB Code: 460240
Office Hours: 8:00am-3:30pm or by appointment
School Counseling Facebook Page
The Middlebury Union High School, School Counseling Department, is dedicated to fostering student success by providing social, emotional, academic and future planning support to all students. All Middlebury Union High School Counselors hold at least a Master's Degree in Counseling and are licensed by the State of Vermont as professional school counselors. They are professional educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to the challenges of a diverse student population. School counselors deliver the comprehensive school counseling program through:
- individual counseling
- small group counseling
- consultation/referral
- academic advising
- future planning
The American School Counselor Association National Standards in the areas of academic, career and personal/social domains are the foundation for this work. School counselors provide this range of services throughout the school year based on the needs of each individual student.
College Information Night Slideshow Presentation
2024-2025 Hannaford Career Center application
2025-2026 Hannaford Career Center online application
2025 8th Grade Parent Information Night Presentation
Enrollment Forms
Release of Records Request
Scholarship Information Session Handout
All school counselors follow the American School Counselor Association Code of Ethics. Students are guaranteed confidentiality when speaking with a counselor unless the student presents danger to self or to others. Vermont law requires counselors to report any suspected abuse or neglect to the Department of Children and Families. The School Counseling department works as a team and, at times, counselors may consult with one another regarding student issues and services.
Counseling Resources
Course Registration
Below is course registration information for the 2024-2025 academic year at MUHS!
Please take some time to look over the following important links:
MUHS Course Registration:
MUHS 2024-2025 Course Registration Information
2024-2025 Course Offering List
2024-2025 Course Catalog
Hannaford Career Center Registration:
Career Center Application Details
Career Center Course Descriptions
Career Center Online Application (Google Form)
Career Center Application Fillable PDF (download the PDF in order to complete it electronically)
School Choice Information
All public high schools in Vermont offer a state-wide “school choice” option to interested students and parents. This agreement mandates that the School Board designate the number of students allowed to transfer from and/or be enrolled into MUHS.
The ACSD Board voted that Middlebury Union High School has a capacity of 15 School Choice students. With our current enrollment, we anticipate that we will accept 7 School Choice students based on students that have left or will graduate.
Interested families should contact the student’s current home school for an application.
Request a Transcript
Request a Transcript
(for Alumni only)
Email your information to with the word "Transcript" in the subject line. Please include the following:
- Your name, also your name at graduation if different.
- Your year of graduation and your date of birth.
- Sending information:
- Name of Recipient
- Preferred delivery (fax, email, snail mail)
- Address
- Any additional information we may need to complete your request.
Please allow five business days for your transcript request to process.
School Profile
Post-Secondary Planning
The school counselors and coordinator of post-secondary planning are available to meet with each student at MUHS as they contemplate life after high school. Working together, we will help students identify what their upcoming path might include, be it:
College or University study
Seeking Employment
Entering the military
Participating in a gap year program
Post-Secondary Planning Information
College or University Study
To search for colleges and universities, link to your Naviance account.
(If you need log-in information, see your school counselor)
Seeking Employment
On May 17, 2024 the School Counseling Department hosted an Apprenticeship and Opportunities Fair. Here is a listing of who attended and their contact information and more about their offerings.
The link below includes information on job descriptions, skills needed, and salary updates:
The MUHS Community Service and Work-Based Learning Coordinator is also a resource.
Vermont Job Link:
Vermont Apprenticeship program
For drop in visits:
Vermont Department of Labor Career Resource Center, Middlebury Office
1590 Route 7 South, Suite 5
Middlebury, VT 05753
Phone: 802-388-4921
Middlebury students who seek information on the Apprenticeship program should call
Becky Dansereau, Apprenticeship Field Representative
Vermont Department of Labor
Rutland, VT 802-786-8841
Advancing Addison County
The School Counseling team participated with local schools and non profit organizations in our area to host a special event in late March, Advancing Addison County. The program featured information on apprenticeships, trade schools, and certifications that allow students to find meaningful career opportunities after they complete high school. Click here to view the video.
ASVAB test offered here yearly in December.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is the most widely used multiple-aptitude test battery in the world. As an aptitude test, the ASVAB measures your strengths, weaknesses, and potential for future success. The ASVAB also provides you with career information for various civilian and military occupations and is an indicator for success in future endeavors whether you choose to go to college, vocational school, or a military career.
If you are considering serving in the military, the specific pages for each branch of the Armed Services will provide you with helpful information.
Once on the military/armed services page -
Here is an overview of each branch of the military and each year several of our graduates go on to enlist in the armed services,
Individual Links:
Air Force:
Coast Guard:
Gap Year
A gap year is a year between high school and college study.
We encourage students to go through the process of applying to college at the same time they are contemplating the possibility of pursuing a gap year program. A gap year is an opportunity for students to explore, travel, and spend time challenging themselves
Post-Secondary Planning Resources
- College Planning
- 2024-25 Post-Secondary Handbook
- College Admission Test Information
- Naviance
- Financial Aid/Scholarship Information
- Local Scholarships
- Additional Scholarship Resources
- College Reps! Sign up for visits here!
College Planning
The Common Application is a comprehensive online application that enables students to apply to colleges and universities using a centralized form. Students are able to create their own account on the Common Application, which is utilized by close to 700 member institutions. The Common Application is free to use, but each student will have to pay to submit the application to the colleges and universities to which they are applying, unless they have a fee waiver. The Common Application’s website is filled with helpful information as to how to apply to their member colleges and universities, a virtual counselor, and more.
The Common App Essay Prompts 2024-2025
The essay is a required component of the Common Application and is an excellent way for each student to share their ideas, visions, and dreams with the admission committee. Admission officers appreciate when students “show, and don’t tell” when writing their essays. Take time to prepare the essay, write clearly and thoughtfully; students are encouraged to share their essay with others to review and offer suggestions prior to submission. Be sure to stick to the 650 word limit that is prescribed and be careful to avoid topics that might be considered controversial.
College Essay Information:
Samples of college essays "that worked." Read actual essays written by students who were admitted to five very different institutions:
Johns Hopkins University
Tufts University
Connecticut College
Babson College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Meg O’Brien, Senior Assistant Director of Admissions at St. Lawrence University hosted a virtual meeting for our juniors and seniors about essay writing for college admission applications. Click here to view her presentation.
Middlebury Union High School makes use of Naviance, an online college counseling partner. Each student and parent has an account and are encouraged to make regular use of Naviance which has links to over 5000 colleges and universities. Naviance has links to helpful websites that are related to higher education and resources related to career information.
This is a site for student athletes seeking to pursue eligibility in the NCAA when applying to college.
Even as a small state, Vermont is fortunate to offer a wide range of postsecondary educational opportunities for students. For an overview of options, click here.
Helpful information for the Class of 2023 for filling out college applications:
While filling out applications to college, students will be asked for basic information pertaining to MUHS. Here’s a helpful resource to guide students through this important part of the process:
School Counselor/Counseling Office Contact Information:
Sam Lewis (A--Goe)
Emily Schademan, (Gom--Sal)
Adrien Preston, (Sansone-Z)
Sarah Kemp, (Administrative Assistant)
Sarah Soule, (Post Secondary Planning Coordinator)
Class Rank and GPA: We do not assign rank at MUHS. GPA is reported by decile range and is weighted to give merit to those students who challenge themselves in HL IB courses, Dual Enrollment and AP courses.
Graduating Class Size: 144
School Code Number: 460240
2024-25 Post-Secondary Handbook
College Admission Test Information
All MUHS 11th grade students will take the PSAT, free of charge. No registration needed.
Other students that are interested in taking the PSAT can register in the MUHS Guidance Office for a charge of $15.
SAT/ACT Test Preparation Resources
SAT Dates and Deadlines
To register:
ACT Test Dates and Deadlines
To register:
There are more than 850 Colleges and Universities that do not consider test scores as part of the admission process. To see a listing of these schools, please visit Fairtest.
Suggested Testing Outline for Juniors and Seniors
Prior to registering for any standardized test, please be sure to discuss testing options with your school counselor:
- ACT, seniors
- PSAT, all juniors at MUHS take this test, free of charge
- SAT, seniors
- ACT, seniors
- SAT, seniors
- ACT, juniors
- SAT, juniors
- ACT, juniors
- AP exams, juniors and seniors
- SAT, juniors
- SAT, juniors
- ACT juniors
Financial Aid/Scholarship Information
What is Financial Aid?
Financial Aid is any financial assistance that helps students attend post-secondary institutions. Such aid is provided usually provided by various sources such as federal and state agencies, colleges, foundations and corporations. This aid can be awarded in the forms of grants, education loans, work study, and scholarships. In order to apply for any federal financial aid, students must first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
If you have questions regarding financial aid, we encourage you to contact VSAC directly at 1-800-642-3177.
For specific questions regarding financial aid throughout the college application process, please contact the financial aid office at each individual college as the process may vary at each institution.
Here is a helpful tool for students and parents to use when when comparing financial aid awards from colleges and universities. This comparison chart is provided by Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC). We encourage families to contact the financial aid offices at the colleges and universities directly with specific questions as they arise.
Local Scholarships
MUHS Local Scholarships
Each year, the greater Middlebury community provides our seniors with generous financial support through numerous scholarship opportunities and awards. In order to be eligible, students must complete and submit the 2025 MUHS Local Scholarship Application in the spring of 2025. Any student planning to attend a 2 or 4 year college or university, trade school or other post-secondary training program is strongly encouraged to apply! When available, applications will be distributed to all seniors and will be posted here.
Additional Scholarships
The following is a list of other scholarship opportunities that students can apply for if they meet the eligibility criteria. Scholarships are listed in order by application deadline date. Please pay attention to deadlines.
2025 Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship: Ranging from $1,000 per year to $7,500 per year, Most Valuable Student scholarships are for students pursuing a four-year degree, on a full-time basis (minimum of 12 semester hours), in a U.S. college or university. All scholarships are in the form of certificates of award conditional upon the full-time enrollment of the winner in an accredited U.S. college or university. Open to high school seniors. Applicants do not need to be related to a member of the Elks. For more information and to apply, click here. Application Deadline is November 12, 2024.
Hagan Scholarship: The Hagan Scholarship is a nationwide need-based merit scholarship that provides up to $7,500 each semester for up to 8 consecutive semesters. Applicant must be a high school senior with a 3.50 GPA and enroll in a 4-year college or university following high school graduation. Must also work 240 hours from January 1, 2025 until September 1, 2025 and the applicant's adjusted Gross Household Income reported on the 2023 Federal Income Tax must not exceed $100,000. More information is available in the School Counseling office and at To apply click here. Application deadline is December 1, 2024.
The American Legion High School Oratorical Program: For a well-prepared, talented student (gr 9 – 12), there is an excellent possibility of garnering some money for college from the American Legion Oratorical program. Competition begins at the local American Legion Post in January. The local post winner competes in a District contest and the district winner goes on to a state-level contest to be held in February 2025. There are 5 districts in Vermont and the state winner advances to the National Contest which is held in Indianapolis, In April 2025 (travel expenses paid for by The American Legion). More information can be found here and in the school counseling office. Application deadline is December 14th, 2024.
The Elks National Foundation Legacy Awards: Awards 350 $4,000 scholarships to the children and grandchildren of Elks members. Children and grandchildren of dues-paying Elks are welcome to apply. For more information and to apply, go here. Application deadline is February 3, 2025.
VSAC: Scholarships for Vermonters: VSAC scholarships are now available for application. Hard copies of the scholarship book are available in the school counseling office. Click here for the VSAC site with more information and to apply. Please note that transcripts will be uploaded by the school counseling office once your application has been submitted. Please feel free to contact the school counseling office if you have any questions. Application Deadline is February 12th, 2025
FRS Scholarship for VTel/VTelWireless Customers: The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) annually awards scholarships to graduating high school students for their first year of college or vocational school. An applicant can qualify for consideration for an FRS Scholarship if their household currently subscribes to VTel or VTel Wireless or through another participating NTCA member company. Vermont residents are eligible for 7 different scholarships through this application process. All information pertaining to this scholarship can be found on the FRS website and in the school counseling office. Application deadline is February 14, 2025.
Horatio Alger Association Scholarship Programs: The National, State, Targeted, Career & Technical Scholarships are now open. Scholarships are available for juniors only. Scholarships range from $10,000 - $25,000. For more information and to apply, click here. Application deadline is March 1st, 2025.
Alice Angney Scholarship for Leadership and Service: Established by The Vermont Superintendents Association to honor former long-time Lamoille South Supervisory Union Superintendent, Dr. Alice Angney. One $3,000 scholarship is awarded to a Vermont high school senior on the basis of the student's leadership, service to his/her community, academic achievement, and initiative in overcoming a specific challenge. More information and the application are available in the school counseling office or apply online. Application deadline is March 18th, 2024
BPOE # 916 Scholarship: Scholarships are provided by the local Burlington Elks Lodge (BPOE #916). Open to children, step-children, grandchildren, step-grandchildren and legal wards of a member of BPOE #916. Applicants must be high school seniors, residents of Vermont and attending a Vermont high school, who are planning to continue their education. Applications with supporting documents must be filed on or before March 31, 2024. Application be found here.
The American Legion Department of Vermont Scholarship Program: Open to high school seniors who attend a Vermont Secondary School, or a similar school in an adjoining state, whose parents are legal residents of the State of Vermont OR seniors residing in an adjacent state whose normal high school attendance area is a Vermont Secondary School. The applicant must be a US Resident. One $1500, one $1000 and ten $500 scholarships awarded. Applications are available in the school counseling office and here. Application deadline is April 1, 2025.
Ray E. Davidson Scholarship: Sponsored by the Addison County Firefighters Association (ACFA). Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded. Eligibility: high school senior planning to attend postsecondary education, be a resident within the ACFA service district, either plan to enter a career in the fire service, fire protection or prevention OR be a child of an ACFA firefighter. Deadline: Application must be received by the ACFA Scholarship Committee by April 1, 2024. Application is available in the School Counseling office and here.
AFSCME Local 1201 Union Scholarship: Scholarships in the amount of $250 each available to current and retired members of AFSCME1201 children and grandchildren who are currently seniors attending high school in Rutland and Addison Counties in VT. At least one year of continuous union membership by the affiliated member. the one-year membership minimum must be satisfied by April 1, 2023. Application is available in the school counseling office and here. Application deadline is April 8, 2024.
The Stephen Phillips Memorial Scholarship: The Stephen Phillips Memorial Scholarship offers renewable, four-year scholarships to students with financial need who display academic achievement, a commitment to serving others (in school, the community, or at home), a consistent history of part-time work, grit and passion for overcoming obstacles and/or achieving future goals, and leadership qualities. Application is online only. For more information and to apply click here. Early response deadline is noon April 3, 2024. Regular deadline is noon, May 1st, 2024.
Red Sox Foundation 2024 New England Service Scholarship: This initiative rewards graduating high school seniors across New England who are making a meaningful impact through service in their local communities by awarding them a $1,000 college scholarship. The Foundation will award a minimum of 100 scholarships in 2022 and honor recipients as part of a pregame ceremony on Wednesday, August 10th at Fenway Park. We are now accepting Red Sox Service Scholarship applications from graduating high school seniors who will be attending a 2- or 4-year institution in the fall of 2022. Winners will be notified by Friday, May 20. For more information and to apply visit Application deadline is Friday, April 12, 2024.
Omya Scholarship: Omya Inc., Verpol will award a $500 scholarship to one graduating senior who is planning to pursue a post-secondary education in a field of science, technology, engineering or math. Application is available here or in the school counseling office. Application deadline is April 12th, 2024.
Clarence F. Birchmore Memorial Scholarship: The family of Clarence F. Birchmore established a scholarship in 2002 in the name of long-time Whiting, VT fireman and chief, Clarence Birchmore, following his death while responding to a fire call on March 16, 2002. His volunteerism and dedication to the fire department, agriculture and the community serve as an inspiration to young men and women pursuing careers or continuing their education beyond high school. Two $1,000 awards are given to eligible students. Any Otter Valley, Mt. Abe, Vergennes or MUHS graduating seniors may apply. The application is here and in the school counseling office. Application must be received by April 12, 2024.
Sons of the American Legion Dennis Comai Scholarship: Open to high school seniors who are planning to attend a trade school or technical college and whose grandfather, grandmother, step grandparents, father, step father, mother, step mother, adopted parents or grand parents, brothers or sisters are a member of the American legion Family. Four separate scholarships will be awarded--two in northern Vermont and two in Southern Vermont. Applications are available in the school counseling office and here. Application deadline is April 15th, 2024.
The Middlebury Community Players Scholarship: The Middlebury Community Players annually award two $1,000 scholarships to students who have graduated from high school within the last two years and who plan to attend college. To be eligible for either of these scholarships, you must have worked with the Middlebury Community Players in some regard over the course of middle school and/or high school, either participating in a production, or assisting at an MCP-sponsored event, such as our costume sale. Apply through this Google Form. Application deadline is April 15, 2024.
Girls on the Run Vermont Alumni Scholarship: Girls on the Run Vermont is very excited to share that we are offering an alumni scholarship this year. For our 25th anniversary season, GOTRVT is offering two deserving and lucky recipients each a $2,500 scholarship that is renewable up to 3 times, for a total of $10,000! Scholarships will be awarded based on a student's participation in a minimum of two seasons of Girls on the Run, Girls on Track, Heart & Sole, or as assisting as a Junior Coach. Applicants must meet eligibility requirements for high school graduation, or the equivalent, during the 2023-2024 academic year, provide evidence of acceptance to an accredited post-secondary education program and write two short essays for consideration. More information and to apply can be found here. Application is online only. Application deadline is April 15, 2024 by 5pm.
Vermont Golf Association Scholarship: Students who have a current and active affiliation with the game of golf such as competing on a golf team, working at a golf course, and/or participating in golf programs or events are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Apply online only here or with their paper application. Application deadline is April 16, 2024.
MikeRoweWORKS Work Ethic Scholarship: Scholarships for high school seniors who plan to enroll in an approved trade program at an accredited two-year college, vocational, or technical school or other approved technical institute in the United States (four-year degree or bachelor programs are not eligible). For more information and to apply click here. Application deadline is April 17, 2024.
Vermont Federal Credit Union Scholarship: The Vermont Federal Credit Union awards four $2,000 scholarships to student applicants who meet the following criteria:
- must be accepted to or enrolled in an accredited undergraduate program at a college, trade school, or university.
- Studies must begin within one year of receiving the award.
- Must be a Vermont Federal Credit Union Member.
For more information and to apply, click here. Application deadline is April 26, 2024.
Vermont Retail & Grocers Association (VRGA) Scholarship Program: If you are an employee or owner of a VRGA member (Hannaford, Shaws, country stores, etc) and are attending college for the first time or have a child who is attending college for the first time, you may be eligible. The organization awards 10 different scholarships throughout the state. Click here for more information and to apply. Deadline is April 26, 2024.
Tilly Boulanger Memorial Scholarship: The Tilly Boulanger Memorial Scholarship will award $1,500 to a Middlebury Union High School graduating senior. The application can be found here. Deadline is April 29, 2024.
Mahana Magic Scholarship: A $1,000 scholarship sponsored by the Mahana Magic Foundation. To be eligible student must have lost a parent to cancer or complications relating from the disease OR have a parent who has survived cancer or is currently undergoing treatment for cancer. For more information and to apply click here. Deadline to apply is April 30, 2023, but if mailing must be postmarked by 4/25/23. ***NO NEW INFORMATION FOR 2024
The Sandy Mazur/Spherion Excellence in Leadership Scholarship: The Sandy Mazur | Spherion Excellence in Leadership Scholarship awards up to $3,000 to three outstanding students who are aspiring to further their education with college, technical, or skilled training. Click here for more information and to apply. Application deadline is April 30, 2024.
Middlebury Battell Scholarship for Addison County Young Women: The Battell scholarship provides $500 to female first-year undergraduate students, residing within Addison County, Vermont. The scholarship is from the Battell Trust, intended to support “the education of worthy young women.” Application is available in the school counseling office and here. Application deadline is May 1, 2024.
League of Women Voters Scholarship: The Winona Smith Scholarship is open to Vermont residents in their senior year of high school. Recipients must demonstrate an interest in civic participation and community service, have a need for financial aid, and come highly recommended by one of his or her instructors. Scholarship money can be used for tuition for college, vocational training, or other career-oriented preparation. Click here for more information and to apply. Plan ahead as 2 essays are required as well as a letter of recommendation. Application deadline is May 1, 2024.
Ceres Continuous Harvest Scholarship: In 2024, two scholarships of $1400 each may be awarded. If you are a senior at MUHS, VUHS, MAUHS, or the Hannaford Career Center and you have plans to pursue a career in a sustainable agriculture or environmental practice that will help to preserve the Vermont landscape and quality-of-life, please apply for this year’s scholarships. Your course of study could include such fields as natural resource management, forestry, environmental science, wildlife biology, ecological agriculture, sustainable landscape horticulture, green building and community design, animal or veterinary science, dairy science, etc., etc., etc. Applications are available in the school counseling office and here Application deadline is May 1, 2024.
"Live United" Volunteer Scholarship Award: United Way of Addison County fosters community service in all community members, but especially in our youth. In that spirit, we are pleased to honor local high school seniors through our "LIVE UNITED" Volunteer Scholarship Award. On behalf of a generous donor, three students are chosen annually for the “LIVE UNITED” Volunteer Scholarship Award, recognizing students who volunteer in their community and who are interested in advancing their education. This award comes with a $1,000 cash award for each student, to be used for post-graduation education (college, trade school, Adult Education, etc.). Click here for more information and to apply. Application deadline is May 6, 2024.
Vermont Lions Hart Memorial Award: The Vermont Lions Hart Memorial award is presented to a graduating high school senior that has a disability or debilitating illness, either physically or mentally, and is planning to attend college upon graduationg high school. The recipient will recieve a $1,000 scholarship to further their education. Applications are available in the school counseling office. Application deadline is May 8, 2024.
Buy Again Alley Scholarship: Part of Buy Again Alley's (BAA) mission is to provide scholarships to support young adults who seek work training and education outside the traditional college pathway, such as post high school vocational education courses. Examples of scholarships awarded: mindfulness course online to open a daycare at home, purchase of equipment to take cooking classes, work clothes, etc. Application is available in the school counseling office and here. Application deadline is May 20th, 2024.
Delano-Nulty Award: For nearly 50 years, Lyric Theatre Company has been part of the dynamic arts community in the area. for the past several years, Lyric Theatre Company has awarded $2,000 to an area high school senior to help support their interest in pursuing an education in the performing arts. This scholarship, The Delano-Nulty Award, honors two of Lyric's founding members--Howard Delano and Polly Nulty. Go here for more information and to apply. Application deadline is May 24, 2024.
NEFCU Scholarship Program: New England Federal Credit union is accepting applications for the 2024 scholarship program. Five scholarships of $5,000 each will be awarded. To be eligible, applicants must be NEFCU, Direct Financial or VSECU members. Click here for more information and to apply. Application deadline is May 31, 2024.
Addison County Farm Bureau: The Addison County Farm Bureau encourages postsecondary education of potential spokespersons for food and fiber production in Addison County and beyond. To be eligible, the applicant must be a high school senior planning to attend college, be an Addison County Resident, and exhibit academic worthiness. The award amount is $500. Applications are available in the School Counseling office. Application deadline is June 1, 2023.
Additional Scholarship Resources
Looking for additional scholarships?
See the links below for well known and useful scholarship information:
Scholarship Resource Network Express is a new program that gives students the opportunity to earn scholarships for college as early as 9th grade and until midway through 12th grade. partners with approximately 180 colleges, including UVM, Champlain College and Norwich to offer micro-scholarships for their grades in core classes, their involvement in a club or sport, their volunteer hours and more. When students are accepted in to a partner college, the micro-scholarships they earn will automatically be calculated into their finacial aid package for that specific college. For more information, visit or contact the guidance department.
College Reps! Sign up for visits here!
Welcome to Middlebury Union High School. We look forward to introducing you to our students when you visit our School Counseling office. To schedule a visit, we ask that you utilize Typically we schedule our first visit at 8:45 a.m. in the morning. Visits can be scheduled throughout the day and student lunch times begin at 11:15 a.m. and conclude at 12:15 p.m. Our school day ends at 3:00 p.m.
While at our school, college admission officers will meet in the School Counseling office with Sarah Soule, Post-Secondary Planning Coordinator. We promote each visit through our school’s Facebook page, online via Naviance, our School Counseling calendar, and through the daily announcements.
If you have questions, please call Sarah Soule at 802-382-1119.
Thank you!
Other Resources
- Enrichment and Leadership Opportunities
- Information about Summer Opportunities
- Job Opportunities for Students
- Past Course Catalogs
Enrichment and Leadership Opportunities
Governor’s Institutes: Summer programs of intensive study at Vermont colleges for high school students. Also have weekend programs during the school year.
Hugh O’Brien Leadership Conference (HOBY):
The Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership (HOBY) Conference in Vermont is a chance to develop your leadership skills as you meet with other 10th grade students from around Vermont to discuss social, business and political issues. The Vermont Conference will be held at Saint Michael's College on May 23rd - May 26th (Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday prior to Memorial Day). If you are interested in an exciting opportunity to interact with other involved 10th grade students, please stop by the Guidance Office to pick up an application!
Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA): A leadership development program run by Rotary. RYLA events are typically 3–10 days long and include presentations, activities, and workshops that cover a variety of topics, including: Leadership fundamentals and ethics, communication skills, problem solving and conflict management, community and global citizenship.
Green Mountain Boy’s State and Green Mountain Girls’ State Program: American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Girls State are the premier programs for teaching how government works while developing leadership skills & an appreciation for your rights as a citizen. As a participant in the program you will run for office, learn public speaking, create and enforce laws and actively participate in all phases of creating and running a working government in this exciting and fun summer program.
Outward Bound: Outdoor programs that develop self awareness through challenge and adventure.
Study Abroad: Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (C.S.I.E.T.): a non profit organization that recognizes reputable international exchange programs for youth. Also please visit our annual Study Abroad Fair to gain further information on various opportunities. See additional links: FAQ and Guide to Financial Aid.
Gap Year: Opportunities for high school graduates planning to take time off for travel or community service prior to attending college.
Educational Opportunities:
Private boarding schools:
Semester Schools - These schools offer credit bearing semester long academic programs for students who seek an alternative to a traditional high school setting. Students from all across the United States and the world participate in these programs.
Information about Summer Opportunities
2024 Expeditions & Kayak Building at Lake Champlain Maritime Museum
Calling all teens ages 13–16 looking for a challenge: join Lake Champlain Maritime Museum for an unforgettable, outdoor experience this summer! Roll up your sleeves and learn how to build your own kayak; navigate on Lake Champlain by paddle, sail, or oar; and make new friends in our Teen Expedition programs. These programs will challenge you and give you confidence and life skills that will serve you for a lifetime. If you love kayaking, rowing, or sailing, this is the adventure for you! Registration is now open, check out the full lineup and register today:
Norwich University Future Leader Camp: FCL is a two-week, military-style, summertime adventure experience that builds understanding of small-group leadership techniques, leadership ethics, teamwork, problem-solving, and communication. Participants will encounter challenge, excitement, and fun. Activities include rappelling, paintball, first-aid, classroom instruction, a challenge course, and more. Teams are led by current Norwich University students and professional leaders to ensure expert instruction and a life-changing experience. Click here for more information and to apply.
UMass Summer Programs: UMass Amherst has several new pre-college programs available this summer for rising 10th - 12th graders. Our pre-college programs offer students firsthand experience with college-level academics and campus life, and are a great way to explore potential majors. Click here for more information and to apply.
AI Scholars Live Online: a 10 session (25 hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford University, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 4:1. Click here for more information and to apply.
Gettysburg College Summer Programs: Gettysburg College offers several opportunities for high school juniors and sophomores to attend virtual academic camps over the summer months. Subjects include psychology, history, and creative writing. For more information and to register click here.
University of Pennsylvania Summer Programs:
Penn delivers the challenge of an Ivy League curriculum to academically talented high school students seeking a pre-collegiate experience. Explore Penn's historic campus, engage with leading faculty, and build intellectual connections within accelerated two-, three-, or six-week Penn Summer High School Programs. Penn Summer High School Programs have traditionally been on-campus, in-person experiences. For more information and to apply click here.
NYU High School Programs: NYU’s varied array of high school and middle school programs offer flexibility and options that can be tailored to your individual needs and schedule. We offer 6-week classes, 1-week classes, and everything in between! Most residential programs are offered during the summer, however there are many opportunities to study at NYU on campus or online during the academic year. Application processes, requirements and deadlines are varied, as are housing and financial aid offerings. For more information click here.
Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program: Girls Who Code's Virtual Summer Immersion Program (SIP) is a FREE, 2-week program for current 9th--11th grade students (rising sophomores, juniors and seniors), to learn about computer science, gain exposure to tech jobs, and join a supportive sisterhood of thousands of students around the world. Click here for more information and to apply.
Sustainable Development in Costa Rica: This 4-week program for students ages 18-22 is a great opportunity for students who are ready to get back into the world and focus on how the UN's Sustainable Development Goals are being put into action in beautiful Costa Rica! A few more spots have been added to this program click here for more information.
Job Opportunities for Students
Job Openings | Links/Contact Info |
Mary Johnson Children's Center After School Program | See Mr. Collins in B-103 |
Middlebury College Foodservice | Jobs @ Middlebury College |
Hannaford's | |
Shaw's | |
Eastview is hiring | |
Green Peppers Restaurant | See Mr. Collins in B-103 |
Reliable Labor Associates seeks student worker |
Flexible hours, great potential for year-round employment See Mr. Collins in B-103 |
Champlain Precision CNC Operator |
See Mr. Collins in B-103 |
The Residence at Otter Creek is Hiring |
See Mr. Collins in B-103 |
Keewaydin Camp is hiring |
See Mr. Collins in B-103 |
Pratt's Store is hiring |
Call Stacey at 802-377-7588 or see Mr. Collins in B-103 |